You are not broken. Reclaim your life and free yourself from what you went through.

Our trauma therapists can help you understand the effects of trauma and empower you to start healing.

You keep repeating the same old patterns, and it’s not working for you anymore.

The trauma you went through, whether it was recent or a long time ago, keeps coming back. You might not even think about it very much anymore, but you can see how it affects your relationships and your life. You feel stuck. It’s like you’re going around in circles – dating the same wrong people, coping in the same (unhealthy) ways, just trying to stay afloat – and you’re ready for a change.

If you’re ready to put the work in, then we’re ready to support you.

We’re, a trauma-informed therapy practice in NYC that helps people overcome these cycles.

Our therapists use evidence-based techniques, including prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy, to help you understand and heal from the trauma you’ve gone through and the effects it continues to have on your life.

Trauma isn’t something you can just “get over”; it affects your brain and body on a physiological level. It isn’t your fault, and you are not broken. 

With therapy, you can learn new ways of understanding yourself and put your past traumatic experiences into a new context. These things did not happen because anything is wrong with you. But, since it happened, you might feel like your confidence is shaky. You know that you’re a good person, but somehow, you have a hard time really believing it.

It’s time to reclaim your life.

All of the things that you long for – feeling comfortable in your own skin, fulfilled in your relationships, and confident in your worth – are possible.

Here’s what’s next.

  1. Fill out the form below. This helps us understand your needs and match you to the best therapist.

  2. Schedule a free consultation. Our first 15-minute consultation is always free. We’ll take this time to get to know you and your needs, and allow you to ask any questions you have of us.

  3. Start therapy. We’ll meet for weekly sessions to start working through trauma. Many of our clients start seeing improvement in as little as 12 weeks.

Trauma does not need to define your life forever.

Change is possible, and you can reclaim your true self. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within one business day.